Hello again

Here are some screenshots and info about our new game.

Our engine supports skin based animation, thanks to XNA Creators site who posted a sample.
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The engine also supports creation of bounding boxes from model's vertices data.
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Fonts support - Nuclex Fonts (visit Nuclex site)
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Our engine supports many things, like this one. Suppose you load a model which is contained of few objects named "Box", "Circle", "Head" etc... Every object can have it's own texture and it's own shader, and you can easily change shader parameters e.g. the box is using the same shader as circle, but you want it to be less reflective or change any other parameter, which is done easily.
Now, I'm gonna tell you about a project we're working on. It's called Speeder 2
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That's the menu, but the car is downloaded from the net and has some problems. That car will not be in the game, it's just a placeholder!
The menu is done so that it will work on any resolution! I'll post the source code of the NGUISimpleButton class soon :)
Also, we've been working on some parts of the GUI like the message box. It can be created with a single line of code, then add it to the screen manager and voila! Also works on every resolution.
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  1. Charles Humphrey said...

    Nice screen shots, Speeder 2? What does Speeder look like, be nice to see shots of that too.

    Can't wait to see a demo of it :)  

  2. EclipsE said...

    Speeder is a 2D game, made a long time ago by me, but I don't have it anymore, because my hdd got formated while playing NFS Carbon. Don't know how, but it did. Anyway, it was written in VB6 using only BitBlt, which was very tough :)  

  3. Charles Humphrey said...

    What a shame would have been good to have seen it any way. Would you not consider doing an XNA version?  

  4. EclipsE said...

    Maybe, that's a good idea, but I don't know if it's my PC, or what, because when I draw too much sprites, I often get low FPS - high FPS...  


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