Me again

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A sample with the NGUILabel class in which you can see different states. The first label is only a label, not clickable and not blinking. The second is clickable and not blinking, third is not clickable and blinking, the fourth is disabled, and the last one is clickable and blinking. But that's not the reason why I'm posting this. Behold!

The particle system! I did it! Well, what's a game without particles?? Probably, nothing, because you'll always see particles somewhere, hell, even games like breakout have particles, and I didn't :(
But, a little experimenting with point sprites didn't hurt.

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That's a fire effect and most commonly used in games. But, I wanted to do something that is rare. This particle system can be used for various effects, like this:

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A little blood effect, which I will need in the PacKiller game, and also I'll do some particles for smoke (when you shoot, coming from the gun), wall parts flying around etc...
I also have to say that the particle system is very flexible, you can change parameters and make something unique very easy :)
Damn, I'll have to upload some smiley's.... :D



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