I'm Back!

It's been a long time since my last post... I've been busy, went on some competitions from B.O.E. (Basics Of Electrotechnics) and, I'm first in my country (lool :)). Now I can get back to my projects!
Long time has passed since my last post, so you probably need to know some things. The Speeder 2 project has been paused(not stopped!) because I need 3D models. But that's not the only reason. I've changed my engine structure, rewritten the whole engine from scratch. Now it's even more powerfull. Some things were kicked from the engine, like Nuclex Fonts, because XNA Refresh 1.0 has font support.
Because I needed models, I've started a little project called PacKiller where I can make everything I need, so I don't depend on anyone :)
It's a FPS where you will have to save the world from pacman angels, except, they aren't angels anymore... They've switched sides :)



  1. Charles Humphrey said...

    PacKiller looks nice, be good to see what you do with it :)  

  2. EclipsE said...

    You will see, as soon as I buy a new PC (I get barely 20 FPS, but my friend who has a slower CPU and a cheaper graphics card, gets 400 FPS!)... Something is messed up, and I can't stand it anymore... :(  


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